Sunday, January 23, 2011

Catching Up

O.K., I get it!

I got fancy and connected this blog, which had become a bit defunct, I admit, through some networking avenue I happened to come across, and now I've got people commenting on blog posts (like the one that says 'Beginning') that are like a thousand years old.
There's just no disappearing anymore is there? It's time. Suit up and show up, take your place in the tribe, no more excuses.

So...I'm back on the blogging trail (as opposes to the jogging trail which I think I am permanently off of, using it for walking instead). If you've only seen the post that says "Beginning"' there were others, but you have to go to the actual blog I guess, vs. this networked blogs thing, in order to see them....I'll figure it out. For now - I went to a poetry reading today at the W. Falmouth library that some friends were reading at and wept listening. Amazing how art can do that isn't it? It's exactly like love.

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