Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Forgetting and Remembering

I haven't written here in so long, I sort of forget how it works, this blogging thing. I'm so busy now, writing up my journal entries from Israel, finishing up the Anne LeClaire interview, working at and trying to run and generate Harmony, preparing to go on a five day writer's retreat in Provincetown next week. It seems so hard to get to this. And yet, somehow, it feels important. This blog, this Dune Shack Dharma, is the place where I remember what it was like to sit in the Dunes until I knew it was simply time to stand up and move, and for no particular reason. What it means to cultivate that experience, that state of mind, is what this blog is all about. It's also the place where I get to put some thoughts, some work, some writing out into the ether immediately, without having to wait for a publisher, or a magazine publishing date, or anything at all. It seems important to do it, no matter what, to remember; I write because I like to, I choose to. I write to remember who I am and what I know. I write to reach out and reach in. I write because I write. I write to you, I write to me. I write.


Farmgirl said...

Hi Debra,
Checking into the blog -- send us an update of your articles and what has been going on.

Debra Babcock said...

Hey Farmgirl (I love your name),

I did just add another entry to the blog, wrote another article for the most recent Cape Healing Arts autumn issue and have another one coming up in December on a recent amazing trip to Israel. Thanks for asking...